Candy Cars!!

DSC_0573We made candy cars in our class with our tech buddies! It was so much fun! We were suppose to help our buddies make a car and we were able to make our own cars to.

At the end when we finished we were suppose to see which car could go the farthest but we never did. It was still really fun and we got to take it home.(mine fell apart on the way home).

Try this activity on your free time if you do leave a comment below.   

Marshmallow challenge!!!

unnamedWe just did the marshmallow challenge with our tech buddies. If you don’t know what the marshmallow challenge is, well the point of it is to try to make the tallest tower but you only get 20 spaghetti straws,one meter long of string and tape,and only one marshmallow. You are not allowed to hurt the marshmallow in any way or you are out.

You get 18 min to to stack as high as you can. Sadly mine fell over at the very end. It was very sad :-(. (Although it fell it was really fun and really intense.)

Then we did the challenge again without our buddies. There were groups of 3 and 4 my group was Estella,Marcia,and Abby. When we did it this time it didn’t fall!! It was 19 1/2 inches. But it wasn’t the tallest one.I was still happy it was standing though.

Try to do this activity with other people and tell me how you did.

If I were thanksgiving

Thanksgiving_BackgroundIf I were thanksgiving I would make sure everyone was happy. The smell of turkey would be in the are. On the day of thanksgiving I’d wish for the day to last 28 hours instead of 24.I would love my pumpkin patch.

If I were thanksgiving I’d have a turkey where ever I go. If I were thanksgiving my house would be made out of turkeys and caramel apples.

I know turkeys are pretty big there will never be enough turkey in the world for me.


Have you ever made a poem if so comment below and leave a link to your poem.


Digital Footprint

pantallasCreative Commons License Photo Credit: Olga Díez via Compfight
Do you what a digital footprint is? Well your about to find out. A digital foot print is something that can start before your born and can continue after death. People can put your funeral on online to keep your digital foot print going.

Your digital foot print can’t be erased. When you look at something online anyone can see it! Even if you reset your computer or erase all you data ANYONE can still see it.

 Your digital foot print does’t have to be a bad thing you can have a positive digital foot print but only you can make sure you have a positive digital foot print. Be careful what you put online especially if you have a face book or something like that because that can effect you in life and when your done reading this don’t be afraid to use any technology. Try to Google your self if you do please leave a comment below.

O.R.E.O Stacking Fun Time

We just did an O.R.E.O stacking project where we have two chances to stack as many Oreo’s as we can. You and your partner take turns as you go but you still both get two turns. On my first try, I staked 21 then I stacked 17 Oreo’s. I don’t know why but I wasn’t nervous until I started. I was so scared that it was going to fall.


After that we went with our kindergarten buddies and did the same thing. (my buddies stacked 7 and then 17 Oreo’s).  I think they had a lot of fun. But I was really surprised when a kindergartner stacked 26 OREO’S! I didn’t think a kindergartner could stack Oreo’s that high.

DSC_0337When we were finished helping our buddies our class started to scrape the filling out of the Oreo’s. Then we used the filling to make Oreo’s sculptures. My friend Irais and I made a bee together and put in other details like a sun and some flowers. Can you stack more than 26 Oreo’s? If so please leave a comment bellow.


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